The PoolTogether Twitter account is a friendly, authentic, and helpful voice. It celebrates wins and shares opportunities in a way that is not spammy or begging for engagement.
- The twitter account does not do anything. The protocol does. Instead of saying “We awarded $25,000 in prizes this week” say, “The protocol distributed $25,000 in prizes this week” or “PoolTogether distributed $25,000 in prizes this week” (example).
- The Twitter account should feel like a brand, not a person.
- The Twitter account strives to highlight the voices in the community
- The Twitter account is educational
- The Twitter account is competent and confident
- The Twitter account does not follow people. Keeping the follower count under 100
- The Twitter account rarely responds to people, if a response is needed, do so from a personal account. Exceptions of course apply in rare circumstances.
The PoolTogether Twitter account does not:
- Engage in arguments of any kind
- Respond to trolls
- Does not retweet or share content that refers to the PoolTogether protocol as a “lottery”
- Does not retweet or share content that refers to deposits as tickets
- Only responds to simple questions with links (instead, go to your personal account and responds to questions from there)
- Share images that are poorly made or not optimized for Twitter. Only exceptions are made when re-sharing content from fans
- Does not engagement farm, there are no “retweet to win contests” there are no “follow to be eligible”
The PoolTogether Twitter account does:
- Use emojis! Keeping things fun
- Strive to keep tweets concise